Complements conventional researches by revealing the implicit dimension of the choice process.

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Neuroscience Tools

  • Brand Stretch
  • Brand image
  • Test of Concept
  • Package test
  • Commercial Test
  • Personification
  • Claims Test
  • Packing test
  • Test on advertising films
  • Packing test
  • Packing test
  • Media testing (Advertising films)
  • Website usability

Perception, in particular, manages to sync Eye Tracking with other devices to know the emotional and cognitive impact of certain visual areas. We were able to map what was seen and the emotional impact of these elements.



How does the gustatory and olfactory experience model the consumers’ emotions?

Upon proving a product, what is the effect of vision, olfaction and taste, in a distinct way, on the involuntary evaluation of the consumer?

How much can fragrances activate or relax consumers?

How to optimize the consumer experience through olfaction and taste?

The consumer is prepared to report his olfactory and gustatory experience with products in a general way, but something not easy to report is the magnitude of this experience.

Saying if a perfume is relaxing or not only by questioning the consumer is something subjective.

Measuring the level of relaxation with biometric devices makes the information much more precise.

Odors and fragrances are capable of immediately activating the limbic system, responsible for the activation of memories and involuntary associations. Neuroscience allows to measure this level of activation and to evaluate the impact on the consumer.


How do people engage in the purchase process?

How do the different brands available for choice influence the process of decision making of the consumer?

What is the impact of communication of a point of sale in the perception of the consumer?

What is the best disposition of products that can offer the best purchase experience?

The consumer journey on the point of sale is subject to the process of many stimuli. The conscious level of the consumer cannot report all this process. Drawing on ocular tracker and other biometric devices, it is possible to evaluate the time of exposure and involuntary reactions to different products and brands, especially the immediate reactions. With this information, it is possible to identify acceptance, rejection and optimize the exhibition of products and communications on the point of sale.


What aspects make a package stand out from the others?

What materials and textures can activate consumers emotions, perceptions and behaviors?

How can packaging contribute to the construction of loyalty to the brand?

What colors, shapes and images of a package can create positive associations on the consumer?

Packages are silent sellers - they talk to the consumer, and neuroscience can help listening in a more accurate way to these answers. Identifying where the consumer looks on a package, what he feels when he handles it, the visibility of the branch and other graphic components offer the opportunity to create more communicable and persuasive packages in the communication process.

Communication and Advertisement

How does each scene impact the mind of the consumer?

How can the different visual arrangements impact emotion and attention?

In what moment is there an uninterest by the narrative of the movie?

What improvements can be made in a promotional material?

Biometric resources offer an immediate cognitive response, in the moment in which it is lived, without any interference of rational ponder. Identifying moments of higher attention, emotional impact and the scenes that visually activate the consumer offer possibility of much more realistic results. The report allows identifying where to improve communication and, after reviewed, identifying the cognitive profits obtained. Consumer neuroscience allows identifying blind spots or problems with promotional materials that, in a conventional study, could go unnoticed. And could significantly reduce the power of communication.

Digital Behavior

What is the quality of the browsing experience of the consumer in the virtual environment?

What are the points seen but not memorized of a site as well as the blind spots?

What is the level of instinct on the process of browsing and how much can a consumer answer favorably to the inputs of a website?

What is the consumer experience on the different types of browsing devices?

Banners and visual contents capture the visual attention and can generate higher levels of engaging, as well as inducing uninterest by the content. In this case, the consumer makes new visual searches until finding something that calls his attention. This mechanics happens outside of the rational scope and is subject to involuntary responses of the consumer. Neuroscience allows comprehending this process and identifying areas of greater and smaller engaging, optimizing the digital content.


What is the capacity of a brand to activating the mind of a consumer?

What are the automatic associations that a determined brand arouses in the consumer?

What are the possibilities of extension that a certain brand has?

What is a more adequate positioning of a brand that will allow the consumer to a favorable association concerning the other brands?

The brain may be seen as computer with high HD capacity but with low RAM memory (work memory). That is why it is selective in terms of the information that it takes to this operational memory. A consumer will consider two, three brands at most, in its shop basket. Only the brands that have stronger association with the category in the consumer mind (both positive and negative) will be active. Consumer neuroscience will comprehend how these associations are built and instruct the construction of brands more sensible and aligned to the consumer.

The consumer is multidimensional. Restricting the comprehension of their motivations to the rational and explicit dimensions is a mistake. Applied Neuroscience complements conventional researches by revealing the implicit, unconscious aspects of the decision process.

The consumer is bombed with thousands of market stimuli in one single day. But, even though the world has changed, the human mind is still the same.

It remains selective as for information, with low capacity of retention and guided not only by rational orientations, but, above all, by emotional motivations.

In an economy where attention is sparse, it is still important to question the consumer about what he thinks or feels about brands and products, but it is also necessary to understand this experience in a perspective underlying its conscience.